I could hear the sound of emptiness and my heartaches
It’s been a year since I heard the blues
How can you lose something you’ve already found
Maybe there is a better world away from us
Someone that’ll make you smile
When do you ask whats the point
When you’re dancing in the dark
And you find yourself alone
Then you close you’re eyes and carry on
To gain strength in the past
Or to live in the past
Who do you live for
Which side do you choose
Have you looked in the mirror
I feel the insecurities
Have I fought the dragons?
But I think the only enemy is within.
The uncertainties and inconceivable decisions
And yet those are the choices of living
The fork in the road
The life changing wind
I’m 25 years old
Unemployed.. Self employed bum
With something to prove
Where is the trust theses days
Learning that good enough is ok
Sometimes you cant be the best