Wednesday, May 17, 2006


Alcohol is a CNS (central nervous system) depressant. Lower dose it is a stimulant. Acute intoxication effect includes: nausea and vomiting, slurred speech, impaired motor, impaired memory and decrease social inhibition. It decreases blood pressure, should not be taken with Viagra as this leads to cardiac collapse (heart failure). Alcoholism often goes with malnutrition. As drinkers fore go eating, so the stomache absorbs alcohol faster. Deficiency in thiamine (vit. B1) leads to damage of neurons, leading to wernickes psychosis. Blurring of vision, tunnel vision, impaired motor, personality changes and amnesia.

Cocaine squeezes the hypothalamus (part of the brain) of dopamine (dopamine bath). This is responsible for the euphoric sensation, after wards depression sets in because of the depletion of dopamine.

In the 60s or is it 70s.. During the hippie generation were drugs were legal. The government distributed methadone to combat cocaine. Same effect but without the physical addiction.

ECT- shock theraphy.. Discovered by two Italian physician. Noticed that epileptic patient were never depressed. ECT as therapy for depression works 70% of the time. Risk: Fracture (because of the induced convulsions), Aspiration (Saliva can be lodged in the lungs). Muscle relaxant is given before the procedure, Patient is anatomically position and safely restrained. They are also postion (head is turn sideways to avoid aspiration.

Epilepsy: During an epileptic attack (preferably patient is lying down on the floor). Do not insert any material in the mouth. Observe seizure (duration and type). Do not suction as this can cause hypoxia(depletion of oxygen in the body). Oxygen depletion is one cause of seizures, so better if cause is unknown not to suction patient.

During immunization (vaccines) alcohol is no longer used on the skin. But sterile water, Alcohol affects the potency of live bacteria strains as it touches the needle.

Natural Delivery is now done squatting, standing or sitting.. Lesser medical complication. But this is done non sterile technique, no episiotomy not for first time mothers.


At 7:22 PM, Blogger Thoughts said...

ano ba blog nag rereview..


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